
  • Political Prisoners Around the World: Intersecting Struggles for Liberty and Dignity
    Activity Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022 - 17:00 UTC
    Duration: 60 min
    Brief Description:

    Political prisoners represent a category and phenomenon of individuals subject to incarceration due to their dissent to state—or occupying—powers. Thus, the phenomenon is global and transnational, and though differences abound in socio-political contexts, oppressive structures, and/or degree and scope of repression, prisons continue to be a primary site of violence inflicted by state (or occupying) powers to extend control over populations and re-press acts of resistance.

    This activity seeks to highlight the phenomenon of political prisoners around the world, focusing on the case of Palestine and Colombia. More broadly, the activity aims to become a tool between countries to bring civilians together with regards to politically motivated incarcerations, torture and ill-treatment, the criminalization of political dissent, hacking fair trial guarantees, among other prisoners’ and human rights violations, and, most importantly, the acute human costs born by political prisoners and their families.

    Language(s) of the Activity: English
    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:, +972-544451931

    Contact (Email):

    Related information (links to videos, initiatives, websites, pads...):

    Political Prisoners: Intersecting Struggles in Palestine, Colombia, and Spain:

    Thematic space(s) of the activity: 5. Defense of Life, Environment and Territories, 6. Democracy, Political Participation, Building Critical Global Citizenships, and Autonomy, 7. Education, Science and Technology at the Service of the Peoples, 10. Struggle against Discrimination, Racism and for Self-determination
    Modality: Combining both Presential and Virtual Modality