
  • The role of democratic organisations in "free zones" (North West of Syria)
    Activity Image
    Activity Date: Saturday, January 30, 2021 - 17:00 UTC
    Duration: 120 min
    Brief Description:

    Where do Syrian democratic organizations come from and what are their actions and functions in the "free zones" of northwestern Syria, where 4.5 million Syrians, half of whom have been displaced from other regions, still resist the Syrian regime: two thirds under Turkish military administration (in the governorate of Aleppo, in the north) and one third under the military administration of Hayhat Tahrir Al Cham (Nosra) (in the governorate of Idleb, in the south)? 6 activists (3 men and 3 women) recount their experiences and explain the demands and activities of the organizations to which they belong, to protect the rights of people on a daily basis and achieve a free and democratic Syria.

    Language(s) of the Activity: English, French, Other/s
    Other/s Language(s) of the Activity:


    Others Proponent Organizations:

    Independant Kurd Ligue
    Democratic National Movment
    National Action Bloc
    Syrian Women Gathering
    Widows and Orphans Shelter Center
    Women protection center

    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:

    Contact (Email):

    Platform used for the transmission:

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    Thematic space(s) of the activity: , , ,
    Cross-cutting space(s) of the activity: Gender