
  • Statement: The BRICS countries’ responsibilities and opportunities related to anti-COVID-19 vaccines

    Statement asking for a convergent protagonism of BRICS countries to make possible the universal acces to vaccines.
    see the attached text

    Modalidad de inclusión:

    as a task force to organize collaborative demands regards BRICS Governments positions

    Escala: International
    Tipo de iniciativa: Campaña pública
    Área de actividad: Health
    Localización: Online
    Acciones públicas y calendario:

    Mobilize civil society organizations to have as fast as possible response from the BRICS Governments.

    Document: Download
    Public action date n°1: Dom, 01/31/2021 - 00:00
    Public action date n°2: Dom, 01/31/2021 - 00:00
    Public action date n°3: Dom, 01/31/2021 - 00:00