
  • Transformative Economies Lab

    Transformative Economies Lab is a collaborative investigation exploring, mapping, and articulating a practical, sustainable, equitable economy as it unfolds around the globe. The aim of the lab is to use an existing platform which provides a comprehensive picture of the projects, ideas, movements and networks offering viable alternatives to the mainstream market-bases economic system, and to present this as a compelling case for wider coordination and support by all stakeholders.

    How promoting group is organized and criteria for considering inclusion of new entities in the group:
    Échelle: International
    Type d'initiative:
    Domaine d'activité: Networking
    Localisation: Online
    Date d'action et calendrier général:

    Presentation by Jules Peck, Jason Nardy, Andrea Rodriguez and Cédric Dupas

    Date de démarrage: 03/01/2020 - 00:00
    Date de finalisation: Lundi, novembre 30, 2020 - 00:00