
  • Curing COVID
    Organisations promotrices:

    At least 10 drugs and natural substances have been found which cure COVID completely with zero hospitalizations and deaths:

    We need help in:
    1. URGENT spreading the life-saving information by all means possible.
    2. Forming a global knowledge base for all working treatments.

    How promoting group is organized and criteria for considering inclusion of new entities in the group:

    Whatsapp and Telegram groups for leaders
    Wiki as a base for scientific and medical knowledge base

    Échelle: International
    Type d'initiative: Campagne publique, Agenda commun, Lutte, Alternative et pratique innovante
    Domaine d'activité: Academic, Access to knowledge, Activism, Advocacy, Children, Democracy
    Localisation: Online
    Date d'action et calendrier général:

    1. Webinar July 1st, 2021 with call to action
    2. Global dissemination network of scientific information July,2021

    Public action n°1:

    Free Webinar

    Public action date n°1: jeu, 07/01/2021 - 23:00
    Brief description n°1:

    Webinar about this:

    Place n°1:


    Public action date n°2: sam, 06/12/2021 - 00:00
    Public action date n°3: sam, 06/12/2021 - 00:00