
  • Invitation to first Tangier International Forum of Youth
    Organisations promotrices:

    This is an intiative to present the background and the activities to be held during first Tangier International Forum of Youth.

    How promoting group is organized and criteria for considering inclusion of new entities in the group:

    We are the main stakeholder of the forum, and we cooperate with different youth organizations from all over the world.

    Échelle: International
    Type d'initiative: Agenda commun
    Domaine d'activité: Advocacy
    Localisation: In place
    Date d'action et calendrier général:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the first event of the International Youth Forum, which will be held from 27 to 29 May 2022 and will be organized by the Moroccan Socialist Youth in the Moroccan city of Tangiers. Government, parliamentary, scientific, academic, cultural, and media personalities, heads of youth, students, human rights organizations, and civil society from more than forty countries will participate in the forum to announce the launch of this global youth building. We hope that you will be a dear guest in Tangiers and experience the duty of traditional Moroccan hospitality
    The days of the event will include many activities and workshops related to the interests of young people