Organization Page

  • youth justice and development
    Country: Morocco
    City / Suburb: rabat
    Mission / brief description:

    The Youth for Justice and Development works to achieve the following goals
    Supervising the youth and educating them on integrity and good citizenship in accordance with our Islamic and civilizational foundations
    Paying attention to youth issues, communicating with them and contributing to the development of possible solutions and appropriate programs.
    Motivating young people to participate in reform, positively dealing with national issues, and instilling a spirit of cooperation and social solidarity.
    Developing the intellectual, cultural, scientific, artistic, creative and sports capabilities of young people.
    Paying attention to environmental issues and contributing to sustainable development.
    Advocating for the nation's issues and just humanitarian issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.

    Main activities: Young People
    Type of organization: Association
    Scope: International