
  • Why the Freire pedadogy is important nowadays / Pourquoi la pédagogie de Freire est importante de nos jours - Por que la pedadogia de Freire es importante hoy en día
    Activity Image
    Data: 01/26/2021 - 16:00 UTC
    Duração : 90 min

    One hundred years after the birth of the father of the pedagogy of conscientization, Paulo Freire, this type of popular education is more necessary than ever, given the growing inequalities and the deep crises facing the people of the planet: health crisis, economic crisis, and ecological crisis. The International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) would like to take the opportunity of the Virtual World Social Forum to discuss the current state of popular education and the anti-systemic pedagogy of Paulo Freire, whose 100th birthday will be celebrated this year, with the participation of regional leaders of adult education networks from Brazil, West Africa, but also from Europe and Southeast Asia.

    With Robbie Guevara (ICAE Philippines), Katarina Popovic, (ICAE Serbia), Carole Houndjo (PAMOJA Benin), Timothy Ireland (CEAAL Brazil) Nelida Cespedes Rossel, (CEAAL Peru)

    Idioma(s) da atividade: Espanhol, Inglês, Francês
    Outras organizações promotoras:

    PAMOJA (Bénin)

    Contato para se relacionar a atividade:

    Pas rejoignable


    ICAE <>

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    Redes e plataformas sociais da atividade:

    zoom, facebook

    Espaço(s) temático(s) da atividade: , , , ,
    Eixo transversal da atividade: Racismo, Gênero, Pandemia