
  • TMP-E (Transnational Migrant Platform Europe)
    Pais: Netherlands
    Missão / resumo:

    TMP-E (Transnational Migrant Platform Europe) responds to the various international, European and national developments that are impacting heavily the daily lives of migrant and refugee communities in Europe.
    We are committed to mobilize our communities and intervene actively to reclaim the agenda of migration and development.
    As migrant and refugee organizations and communities we will work for this transition from a ”Fortress” border approach towards a just international regime of human rights for all.

    Atividades principais: Access to knowledge, Activism, Advocacy, Anti-racism, Campaigning, Equality, Human rights, Migrant, Mobility, Refugee, Rights, Social justice, Women
    Tipo de organização: Co-operative, Informal Group – Collective
    Escala de ação: Regional