
  • Resistance in the Void: Secret Evidence, Spyware and Terrorist Designations. The Battle for Global Civil Society Begins in Palestine
    Activity Image
    Activity Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 17:00 UTC
    Duration: 120 min
    Brief Description:

    الدفاع في الظلام: الأدلة السرية وبرامج التجسس والتسميات الإرهابية. المعركة من أجل المجتمع المدني العالمي تبدأ في فلسطين

    Language(s) of the Activity: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Other/s
    Other/s Language(s) of the Activity:


    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:

    Thematic space(s) of the activity: 1. Economic Alternatives of Peoples and Socioeconomic Justice, 6. Democracy, Political Participation, Building Critical Global Citizenships, and Autonomy, 10. Struggle against Discrimination, Racism and for Self-determination
    Modality: Combining both Presential and Virtual Modality