
  • Pandemia: universidades e movimentos sociais e sindicais
    Activity Image
    Activity Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 19:00 UTC
    Duration: 90 min
    Brief Description:

    Apresentação de novas formas de atuação no movimento sindical, o combate a COVID-19 via solidariedade através das Universidades, Movimentos sociais e sindical.

    Language(s) of the Activity: Portuguese
    Others Proponent Organizations:

    Apub sindicato
    Movimentos sociais: Levante popular da Juventude, MTD, MPA, MST, Sindpetro e ABJD e Consulta Popular
    CUT Bahia

    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:

    mandando mensagem ou email

    Contact (Email):


    Platform used for the transmission:


    Social networks or platforms used by the activity:

    Facebook, instagram e twitter

    Link to the online meeting:

    Cross-cutting space(s) of the activity: Pandemic