Organization Page

  • Gökyüzü Sanatsal İyilik Vakfı
    Country: Turkey
    City / Suburb: ankara
    Mission / brief description:

    ÖKSİV is constantly trying to create different awareness with different subjects in the form of an awareness factory. Under this roof, human consciousness is increased and traces are left to minds, hearts and bodies. It is believed that increasing the social awareness is through contributing to the consciousness of the individual. It is thought that increasing social awareness constitutes the basis of a country where you can live more enjoyable. We strive to make the inclusive and transformative power of this field visible and to reach different target audiences with the different culture and arts activities in our foundation.

    Main activities: Arts
    Type of organization: NGO (Non Governmental Organisation)
    Scope: National
    Phone: +90 312 217 50 51
